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Is it possible we can pay in Crypto Currency EtherYes we have added our payment QR code at the Cart Page. Simply scan the QR code for payments to ztechnique.eth and then at the total page you can simply put the total with shipping and tax into your Crypto wallet and send us the total payment. Please notify us in advance if you wish to use this method of payment and we can make sure you receive a off line tax reclaim invoice for your goods. This is our QR code for payment . On your wallet it should show as Ztechnique.eth or send us the payment string from your wallet for verification by email. Once we have verified your payment we will ship the goods right away
Can you supply OEM spare partsYes we can supply OEM compressor parts for most brands
Can you support Ingersoll Rand Centac PartsWe can supply OEM and alternative Centac and MSG Turbo parts , please send us your request by using our form below
Can you reverse engineer partsYes we can reverse engineer obsolete spare parts for mainly Atlas Copco Z and MD equipment. We also keep large quantity's of used parts we can scan and re design as required. Examples of such work is our ability to provide the NRV valve seen below with new sealing plates and other essential parts the OEM doesn't sell separately
Do you support Atlas Copco Elektronikon repairs & replacementsYes we can support either replacing your Elektronikon Mk4 or Mk5 with new or in certain cases repairing your original Elektronikon. Providing us with your Elektronikon serial number and compressor dryer serial number will be required at the time of order.
Do your replacement pressure & temperature sensors work with OEM equipmentYes our full range of alternative Ztechnique pressure and temp sensor's work seamlessly with your OEM equipment and we have optional interface cables available at our shop.
Do you supply 2000,4000,8000, 16000 hour service kits for Z and MD Atlas Copco EquipmentYes we have a complete range of service kits for Atlas Copco Z air compressor models and ND MD spare parts for regen dryers. Lubricants are Ztechfluid
Do you supply lubricants for air compressorsYes have a wide range of lubricants for oil lubricated and oil free air compressors that also includes food safe oil.
Do you provide alternative Atlas Copco 'Z' and 'ND' 'MD' dryer training ?Yes we have a Ztechnique dedicated training school based in St Helens Merseyside. We focus on ZR ZT ZA ZE training that provides service and overhaul training from 2000 hour services up to 80,000 hour overhauls. You will learn how to install oil free air ends and service the key components on the Z compressor along with instrument control panel training. Fault finding plays a major role in the training syllabus. You will be tested for your knowledge gained and the successful trainee receives a Ztechnique training certificate. Likewise we provide training on ND MD Atlas Copco dryers that consists of around d 50/50 split between classroom and practical tasks. Training can be tailored to your needs but generally takes around 3 x 8hr days to complete depending on class size etc If you would like to discuss our training syllabus for 2023 please contact us by contact form or simply call +44 (0) 1744 733211 UK Previous companies such as Air Liquide have provided referrals in regard to the quality op our training , available on request
Do you provide on site Z and MD trainingYes we can arrange to undertake on the job training for your team anywhere in the World * Please inquire via our web page form for more details. * Translators needed in certain country's
Can you provide Centac Centrifugal compressor training ?Yes we can provide practical and theory training on Ingersoll Rand Centac centrifugal air compressors at our Ztechnique dedicated training facility in the UK. Training is in 3 levels and priced accordingly. Please inquire for your specific needs.
Can you provide Centac Centrifugal compressor training ?Yes we can provide practical and theory training on Ingersoll Rand Centac centrifugal air compressors at our Ztechnique dedicated training facility in the UK. Training is in 3 levels and priced accordingly. Please inquire for your specific needs.
Can you provide Centac Centrifugal compressor training ?Yes we can provide practical and theory training on Ingersoll Rand Centac centrifugal air compressors at our Ztechnique dedicated training facility in the UK. Training is in 3 levels and priced accordingly. Please inquire for your specific needs.
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